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Expediente Godoy
País de la ausencia extraño país.

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Expediente godoy, País de la ausencia, extraño país,

(Godoy File, country of absence, strange country) is a chilean play directed by Paula Zúñiga, and written by Lorena Herrera  based on the political and educational thought from the winner  of the Nobel prize for literature Gabriela Mistral, and also in her poetry, which was musicalized by Paulina Martínez.


Tabla Teatro is a theater company made up by actors  from Universidad Católica de Chile, who graduated with this play at the Teatro UC theater in December 2013.

Godoy won as best play at the Exit! Festival 2014, and it presented with public success until January 2016.

character: Bernadita Insulza (psychologist).

Gallery Expediente

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