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Salvemos el    Bosque Ancestral


Recreo Teatro

(Let’s save the ancestral forest) was written by Rodrigo Díaz and directed by Melissa Araya, for children and young people.  

The tale tells about two children meet the god of fire, Ngen Kutral, and how they learn to save and protect native forest in the future. 


Recreo teatro is a chilean theater company composed by actors from Universidad Católica and Uniacc. We have been researching deep around the mapuche worldview and its lenguaje, the representation of the machi and the deity of natural elements. 


We are moved to show a critic and admisible view to young people about the loss of local identity and the environmental and territorial problems of natives ancestral forest from south chilean country.


The play was presented in the first and second cicle of Teatro Proximo in Conchalí (2016-2017), in the second Festival of Azares Theater, in the Emergent Theater Festival rom Santiago Joven (Enartese), XVI Teatro telón Abierto Festival from Juventud Providencia (2016), and some some performances in Cultural Vecinal Center La Palmilla, in Casona Nemesio Antúnez (2015) and school Unesco to their students.

Casting / Alberto Sánchez, Andrea Villalobos, Axel Miranda.

Gallery Bosque

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